Distilled, May 15 2014
15 May 2014On the Web
A Dark Room is one of the coolest apps we've seen in a while - almost comically minimalist visual design, wickedly addictive game design
The Art of Error Messaging provided a reminder that "[o]ne thing error messages never say is sorry" and offered other wisdom on good error message style
Two podcasts featuring David Nolen and a fantastic blog post/demo exploring the ideas behind React got us even more excited about our decision to build Distiller around Om: Cognicast, JavaScript Jabber, Removing User Interface Complexity, or Why React is Awesome
This lightning talk on DHH's role in the Ruby community was funny and provocative - a good reminder that one person's voice reflects only one person's experience, even if that person has as outsized an influence as DHH
ngrok is insanely awesome - “I want to securely expose a local web server to the internet and capture all traffic for detailed inspection and replay.” - yes. yes I do.
Travis wrote about extending Clojure's java.jdbc library to support JSON columns in PostgreSQL, an exercise that highlighted awesome power of Clojure protocols