Distiller build and deploy ios apps faster

Release Notes

We share product updates on this blog to keep everyone current on improvements, major bugfixes and important changes as we implement them. If you have questions or comments about releases, email us, tweet at us or join us in chat.

What’s new in this release.

Improved Project Setup

  • Getting an iOS project actually set up can be a bit of a bear with workspaces, schemes, certificates, provisioning profiles, etc. We've simplified the process for new project setup substantially through the GitHub Search API to infer and pull out your configuration options. This dramatically reduces the effort necessary to get a new project going. Most projects can now be setup in just one or two minutes.

More Dynamic UI to Reduce Reloads

  • We're leveraging our investment in Om on the frontend to make the UI more dynamic and responsive to backend events. Things like build status, duration and logs load automatically without requiring page reloads.

Logging Improvements

  • Errors that are generated due to incorrect project configuration are now being dumped into the logs for easier setup debugging.
  • We've added additional Cocoapods error messaging to make dependency debugging easier.