Distiller build and deploy ios apps faster

Release Notes

Starting today we will be sharing product updates on this blog to keep you all updated on improvements, major bugfixes and important changes as we implement them. If you have questions or comments about releases, email us, tweet at us or join us in chat.

What’s new in this release.

Web infrastructure:

  • We’ve moved the Distiller backend from Parse to Heroku. Look for an explanatory blog post coming soon.
  • We’ve standardized our frontend on Om. Om is a Clojurescript interface to Facebook’s React framework. We’ll cover the migration in another blog post. You can read about Om here: https://github.com/swannodette/om

GitHub Commit Status Integration:

  • You can see the status of each commit on GitHub. Now you can see which pull requests are safe to merge right on the PR. Handy.

Logging improvements:

  • Git messages are now visible.
  • Cocoapod messages are also included in the logs.

Build improvements:

  • We’re always trying to make the build experience less flaky.